jessie gaworecki
Creative Arts Therapist
Dance Movement Therapist
Available for Telehealth (New York) and In-person (Syracuse)
Jessie Gaworecki is a Registered Dance/Movement Therapist, a certified RYT-200 teacher with the Yoga Alliance, and a certified Reiki Level II practitioner. She received her MA in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling at Antioch University. Jessie is passionate about the power of integrating the body, mind, and spirit; using her knowledge of clinical practice, neuroscience, Eastern philosophies, Yoga, and movement systems to inform her work with individuals and groups. She facilitates the experience of healing and well-being through mindfulness, expressive arts therapies, evidence-based techniques, and ecotherapy. Jessie is currently immersed in her training as a 500-hour yoga teacher, where she is integrating the frameworks of Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda, Enneagram, and hormonal cycles, to then develop individualized, holistic programs that recalibrate the body systems for total well-being.

Jessie understands it can be intimidating to dive into the body or the arts, so she paces each session based on where her clients feel comfortable. Her perspective as a therapist is that she is both a fellow traveler and a guide on the therapeutic journey. With compassion and guidance, she leads clients from mindfulness into embodiment and expression, proceeding to resolution and transformation of what holds them back in life.

She specializes in working with the LGBTQIA+ community, trauma, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and relationship and identity issues. Her offerings include individual therapy sessions as well as private yoga.